the tides keepin’ scores

4 min readMar 31, 2024


His steps were firm. He didn’t lose direction in the amidst chaos. The surrounding noise and disturbance didn’t break the inner tranquility. His heart was strong, and he led himself with determination. Even as trials poured upon him, he stood firm. Above all the inner stillness always led him calm. He found an answer from the inside, which gave him strength

As one of the magazine editor, you stored all the files in one folder for recordings, but one caught you on guard and you let your self immersed in it for quiet a while.

“Good afternoon, donghyuck. I am here as the editor for your Vogue pictorial. How are you today?”

“If you know it’s my last job before summer break so I anticipated it much because I will have months to rest for a while at home. You know having a home you can always returns to gives you peace of mind, so I’m happy right now” He says full of cheeky voices while looking at you

“Glad to hear that. Next question is kind of deep already, is that okay for you?”

“Go ahead”

“Why do you think some fans will like you?”

“I think because it’s just me, just the way I am. I need to tell my own story because I’m not a person who tell another person’s story, and the way I exist through their comfort I’m sure they won’t regret it if they like me, because I’ll show them”

“Can you share a line of your life to keep going?”

“I’m looking for my own answer, because it enables me to keep going forward. No matter what I do, so I won’t fear and get through anything.”

“Is there any regret when you choose the wrong decisions in your life?”

“Sometimes we are happy with other choices, other times we regret it. Because we face numerous choices. But whatever it is, if you experienced the same feeling for choosing, I’ll give you applause. Great job for making decisions. Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, but eventually it will unfold the way you believe. No matter what happen since you did your best so the result will be great”

“Did you ever want to froze time because you won’t be in the exact moment again?”

“Moments passed so quickly nowadays and I am aware of it. Sometimes an ending will brings another beginning. When you started something new and are approaching the end of it, a new starting line that will bring us forward will be awaiting us. So, let’s take each step forward together, and make what’ll be part of another dream and memories.”

“Some quotes to keep going for fans who are facing hard time now?”

“Guess the world isn’t the best yet. There’s still a way to get better. So, Don’t conform, shape the world to fit you. Cheer up best friends, this too shall pass”

“Last one, this was sent by the members of your fanbases. They said thank you for your hard work, and for being donghyuck who always shine wherever you are. Take a good care of your health and enjoy your break to the fullest. Don’t forget to be happy”

“That’s sweet. I often says this a lot, but as much as my best friends wanted me to be happy, I wish them happiness along the way too. I won’t even ask you to be happy everyday, but be happy often.”

“Thank you donghyuck for doing this interview with me. I’ll send the final version 2 days onwards.”

You paused the recording.

Knowing donghyuck in your shared memories is endearing. How long was when summer poses for a new day, and you were seating side by side with the sight of blue ocean?

Etched in your mind the last smile from him before you left the lounge. In the echo of his voice, a lingering “you will go with the flow you made” still stings.

Seeing donghyuck racing through the vast track he was in really taught you that being failed many times, or slip on your own won’t belittle oneself, it just scratches the blood to get stronger. And so, you really took the sword and strike the life.

He reminds you of the waves, when any pressure growing little with determination, a steady rise of strength against any tide will come quickly to the shorelines. And he is getting there, standing firm and shine on stage.

He was never one to accuse things, but how can someone be so determinant of life when chaos reign? No — you did know the answer, he was strong enough to keeping scores, to tell his own story.

Brave enough of you to say, his story was unshakeable amidst chaos, his appearance resembles a stable sea — until it reached to the shoreline whispering the unseen.

If the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go, hyuckie.

